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Viewing a forum
Starting a new thread
Replying to a post
Editing a post
Reporting a post


One of the great benefits of the site is the community features. The forums allow you to interact with other members.

There are two types of forums :

  • General - all NTCG Sydenham members are able to post messages
  • Group - only members of the group can view or post messages

The main forum page will display all the forums available to you with a summary of each forum and when the last post was made. You will then be able to open that forum by clicking on the forum name.

Main forum page :

Forum Name Threads Posts Last Post
Prayer Requests
Post your requests for prayer here and get others praying for you
Last post at 9:47pm on 14th July 2024 by Matt Apps
General Chat
A place for chatting about anything and everything
74 467
Last post at 8:32am on 14th July 2024 by Jen Michael
Praise Reports
Share the good things that God has done - answers to prayer
26 84 Last post at 12:22 on 12th July 2024 by Luke Cod
18 - 30's cell
Cell group for the 18 - 30's in the church
Last post at 2:45am on 13th July 2024 by Abigail Fish
Cell Leader's Group
Leader and interns of cell's
Last post at 2:35pm on 15th July 2024 by Philip Jones

When you view a forum the threads will be displayed with the most recent first. You will quickly be able to identify which threads have had new posts added to them since you last visited by looking at the envelope next to the thread subject. If the envelope is closed No new posts then there have been no new posts to that thread. If the envelope is open New posts then either you have not read that thread, or a new posts has been made to it since you last looked at it.

Viewing a forum:

Subject Started ByReplies Last Post
New posts
The Weekend Luke Cod 25 15th July 2024 at 19:16
by Abigail Fish
New posts
Sunday June Cottage 11 14th July 2024 at 18:33
by John Matthews
No new posts
Saturday social Matt Apps 3 15th July 2024 at 18:02
by Philip Addlet
No new posts
Spare bike? Abigail Fish1 14th July 2024 at 12:32
by Luke Cod
No new posts
idea Abigail Fish25 14th July 2024 at 19:01
by Tom Opps
No new posts
Important - read this!Luke Cod32 11th July 2003 at 10:25
by Matt Apps
Starting a new thread
To start a new thread, click on the 'New Thread' button in the appropriate forum. The following form will then be displayed :

New Thread
Include Signature :
Subscribe to thread :

If you tick the 'Include Signature' box then the signature that you entered in your options menu will be displayed below your post.

If you tick the 'Subscribe to thread' box then you will receive an email notification when someone replies to the post.

Replying to a post
To reply to a post click on the reply button next to the post. You will then be able to enter the reply and also choose to subscribe or unsubscribe from the thread.

Editing a post
If you wish to change a post which you wrote then click on the 'Edit Post' button next to that post. You will then be able to alter the contents of the post. Once you save the changes, the post will display a note to other members that the post was edited.

Reporting a post
If you see a post which you do not think is appropriate for the NTCG Sydenham website then you can report it to a forum moderator. A reported post will be removed from display and sent to the forum moderator. The forum adminstrator will then either delete the post or reinstate it.

Smilies are graphical images that can be embedded into forum posts. To embed them you will need to enter the shortcut code in the message. When you submit the post, the shortcut will be replaced by the smilie image.


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